allow Floating IPs to point to load balancers
Jonathan Paugh
This would allow me to scale an app seamlessly in real time, instead of needing to carefully time it against DNS cache latency.
After playing around with the new Load Balancers for a bit, It seems like an obvious extension. By the way, I'm really pleased with the feature. It seems very polished.
Whitney Jutzin
Merged in a post:
Allow assigning a floating ip to a load balancer
Giannis Sialmas
Due to some tests i am doing, I am scraping and recreating a k8s cluster multiple times per day, and each time i create a new load balancer. The floating ip is the only option of "static ip" i can get on digital ocean and want to be able to point it to a new load balancer programatically. Sure i can point a dns at the load balancer, but i dont like the propagation
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